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Metoda impregnacji jest nadal wykorzystywana w celu ograniczenia ryzyka próchnicy i zatrzymania progresji próchnicy wczesnej u dzieci niewspółpracujących. Korzystne jest jednak następowe odtworzenie funkcji zęba przez odbudowę estetycznym materiałem adhezyjnym.
Impregnation is minimally invasive and, until recently a frequently used method for treating the early stages of caries in early childhood in non-cooperative patients. In Poland silver nitrate is used to impregnate tissues destroyed by caries and this causes unaesthetic staining. On the basis of the literature and the author’s own experience, a presentation is given of the possibilities of using impregnation with a solution of silver nitrate and diamine fluoride as arresting caries treatment (ACT) in early childhood caries. There is a discussion about the indications and contraindications of this method and of the principles for carrying out the procedure. An additional benefit of using silver diamine fluoride is the reduction of risk of new carious changes occurring. The impregnation method is still being used, with the aim of limiting the risk of caries and arresting the progression of caries and arresting early caries in non-cooperative children. It is, however, useful to subsequently return function to the tooth by aesthetic restoration with an aesthetic adhesive material.