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W pracy opisano diagnostykę i leczenie 26-letniej pacjentki ze zlokalizowanym agresywnym zapaleniem przyzębia.
The article describes diagnosis and treatment of a 26-year-old female patient with localized aggressive periodontitis.
Hasła indeksowe: agresywne zapalenie przyzębia, zapalenie przyzębia IIIC, sterowana regeneracja tkanek, implanty
Key words: aggressive periodontitis, periodontitis IIIC, guided tissue regeneration, implants
1. Górska R. i wsp.: Częstość występowania chorób przyzębia i chorób błony śluzowej jamy ustnej u osób w wieku 35-44 i 65-74 lata w wybranych miastach Polski. J. Stomatol., 2014, 67, Suppl. 1, 57.
2. American Academy of Periodontology: Development of a classification system for periodontal diseases and conditions. Ann. Periodontol., 1999, 1, 1.
3. Górska R., Konopka T. (red.): Periodontologia współczesna. Med. Tour Press Int., Otwock 2013.
4. Mueller H.: Periodontologia. Red. wyd. pol.: Górska R. Edra Urban & Partner, Wrocław 2017.
5. Armitage G.C., Cullinan M.P., Seymour G.J.: Comparative biology of chronic and aggressive periodontitis: introduction. Periodontol. 2000, 2010, 53, 7-11.
6. Albandar J.M.: Aggressive and acute periodontal diseases. Periodontol. 2000, 2014, 65, 1, 7-12.
7. American Academy of Periodontology: A new classification scheme for periodontal and peri‐implant diseases and conditions – Introduction and key changes from the 1999 classification. J. Periodontol., 2018, 89, 1-9.
8. Quirynen M., Teughels W., van Stenberghe D.: Impact of antiseptics on on-stage, full-mouth disinfection. J. Clin. Periodontol., 2006, 33, 1, 49-52.
9. Cairo F., Nieri M., Cincinelli S.: The interproximal clinical attachment level to classify gingival recessions and predict root coverage outcomes: and explorative and reliability study. J. Clin. Periodontol., 2010, 38, 7, 661-666.
10. Trombelli L., Farina R., Franceschetti G.: Single-flap approach with buccal access in periodontal reconstructive procedures. J. Periodontol., 2009, 80, 2, 353-360.
11. Cortellini P., Prato G.P., Tonetti M.S.: The simplified papilla preservation flap. A novel surgical approach for the management of soft tissues in regenerative procedures. Int. J. Periodontics Restorative Dent., 1999, 19, 6, 589-599.
12. Farina R., Simonelli A., Rizzi A.: Early postoperative healing following buccal single flap approach to access intraosseous periodontal defects. Clin. Oral Investig., 2013, 17, 1573-1583.
13. Lang N.P., Lindhe J.: Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. Wiley Blackwell, Pondicherry 2015.
14. Sgolastra F., Petrucci A., Gatto R.: Effectiveness of systemic amoxicillin/metronidazole as an adjunctive therapy to full-mouth scaling and root planning in the treatment of aggressive periodontitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J. Periodontol., 2012, 83, 731-743.
15. Kao R.T., Nares S., Reynolds M.A.: Periodontal regeneration – intrabony defects: a systematic review from the AAP Regeneration Workshop. J. Periodontol., 2015, 86, 2, 77-104.
16. Cortellini P., Tonetti M.S.: Improved wound stability with a modified minimally invasive surgical technique in the regenerative treatment of isolated interdental intrabony defects. J. Clin. Periodontol., 2009, 36, 2, 157-163.
17. Cortellini P., Tonetti M.S.: A minimally invasive surgical technique with an enamel matrix derivative in the regenerative treatment of intra-bony defects: a novel approach to limit morbidity. J. Clin. Periodontol. 2007, 34, 1, 87-93.
18. Artzi Z., Tal H., Platner O.: Deproteinized bovine bone in association with GTR or EMD procedures in aggressive periodontitis patients: a one-year retrospective study. J. Clin. Periodontol., 2015, 42, 6, 547-556.
W pracy opisano diagnostykę i leczenie 26-letniej pacjentki ze zlokalizowanym agresywnym zapaleniem przyzębia.
The article describes diagnosis and treatment of a 26-year-old female patient with localized aggressive periodontitis.
Hasła indeksowe: agresywne zapalenie przyzębia, zapalenie przyzębia IIIC, sterowana regeneracja tkanek, implanty
Key words: aggressive periodontitis, periodontitis IIIC, guided tissue regeneration, implants
1. Górska R. i wsp.: Częstość występowania chorób przyzębia i chorób błony śluzowej jamy ustnej u osób w wieku 35-44 i 65-74 lata w wybranych miastach Polski. J. Stomatol., 2014, 67, Suppl. 1, 57.
2. American Academy of Periodontology: Development of a classification system for periodontal diseases and conditions. Ann. Periodontol., 1999, 1, 1.
3. Górska R., Konopka T. (red.): Periodontologia współczesna. Med. Tour Press Int., Otwock 2013.
4. Mueller H.: Periodontologia. Red. wyd. pol.: Górska R. Edra Urban & Partner, Wrocław 2017.
5. Armitage G.C., Cullinan M.P., Seymour G.J.: Comparative biology of chronic and aggressive periodontitis: introduction. Periodontol. 2000, 2010, 53, 7-11.
6. Albandar J.M.: Aggressive and acute periodontal diseases. Periodontol. 2000, 2014, 65, 1, 7-12.
7. American Academy of Periodontology: A new classification scheme for periodontal and peri‐implant diseases and conditions – Introduction and key changes from the 1999 classification. J. Periodontol., 2018, 89, 1-9.
8. Quirynen M., Teughels W., van Stenberghe D.: Impact of antiseptics on on-stage, full-mouth disinfection. J. Clin. Periodontol., 2006, 33, 1, 49-52.
9. Cairo F., Nieri M., Cincinelli S.: The interproximal clinical attachment level to classify gingival recessions and predict root coverage outcomes: and explorative and reliability study. J. Clin. Periodontol., 2010, 38, 7, 661-666.
10. Trombelli L., Farina R., Franceschetti G.: Single-flap approach with buccal access in periodontal reconstructive procedures. J. Periodontol., 2009, 80, 2, 353-360.
11. Cortellini P., Prato G.P., Tonetti M.S.: The simplified papilla preservation flap. A novel surgical approach for the management of soft tissues in regenerative procedures. Int. J. Periodontics Restorative Dent., 1999, 19, 6, 589-599.
12. Farina R., Simonelli A., Rizzi A.: Early postoperative healing following buccal single flap approach to access intraosseous periodontal defects. Clin. Oral Investig., 2013, 17, 1573-1583.
13. Lang N.P., Lindhe J.: Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. Wiley Blackwell, Pondicherry 2015.
14. Sgolastra F., Petrucci A., Gatto R.: Effectiveness of systemic amoxicillin/metronidazole as an adjunctive therapy to full-mouth scaling and root planning in the treatment of aggressive periodontitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J. Periodontol., 2012, 83, 731-743.
15. Kao R.T., Nares S., Reynolds M.A.: Periodontal regeneration – intrabony defects: a systematic review from the AAP Regeneration Workshop. J. Periodontol., 2015, 86, 2, 77-104.
16. Cortellini P., Tonetti M.S.: Improved wound stability with a modified minimally invasive surgical technique in the regenerative treatment of isolated interdental intrabony defects. J. Clin. Periodontol., 2009, 36, 2, 157-163.
17. Cortellini P., Tonetti M.S.: A minimally invasive surgical technique with an enamel matrix derivative in the regenerative treatment of intra-bony defects: a novel approach to limit morbidity. J. Clin. Periodontol. 2007, 34, 1, 87-93.
18. Artzi Z., Tal H., Platner O.: Deproteinized bovine bone in association with GTR or EMD procedures in aggressive periodontitis patients: a one-year retrospective study. J. Clin. Periodontol., 2015, 42, 6, 547-556.