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There are multiple ways of treatment for venous malformations of the lip like: excision, cryosurgery, infrared coagulation, sclerotherapy or laserotherapy by using argon lasers, Nd:YAG lasers, carbon dioxide lasers or diode lasers. A 69-year-old woman was referred to the Department of Periodontal Disease and Oral Mucosa in Zabrze for consultation of two vascular lesions around the right angle of the mouth and the lower lip. During the clinical examination, two venous malformations were observed: on the lower lip in the area of teeth 43/44 (diameter of approximately 4x3 mm) and on the right angle of the mouth (diameter of approximately 15x6 mm). For the patient they were mostly an aesthetic problem. Under local anesthesia, the diode laser Smart M Pro (Lasotronix, Piaseczno, Poland), with an operating wavelength of 980 nm, noncontact technique, defocussed, inactivated 320 µm optical fiber, in continuous wave (CV) mode and with output power of 4 W. The smaller lesion was treated once, unlike the bigger lesion that was treated 3 times in seven-day intervals. Postoperative healing proceeded without complications. A partial regression was observable after 7 days (for the smaller lesion and for the bigger one after 3rd irradiation exposure), while the complete healing has been achieved after 14 days for the smaller lesion and 28 days for the bigger lesion without an unaesthetic scar. Diode laser photocoagulation technique for lip vascular anomalies is a promising alternative for more conventional surgical methods.
Słowa kluczowe: laser diodowy, malformacje żylne, anomalie naczyniowe, jeziorko żylne, fotokoagulacja
Key words: diode laser, venous malformation, vascular anomalies, venous lake, photocoagulation