System Self-Adjusting File (SAF) – nowa koncepcja minimalnie inwazyjnego opracowywania i dezynfekcji kanałów korzeniowych. Przegląd piśmiennictwa

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System Self-Adjusting File (SAF) – nowa koncepcja minimalnie inwazyjnego opracowywania i dezynfekcji kanałów korzeniowych. Przegląd piśmiennictwa

Aleksandra Kulas, Damian Lichota, Mariusz Lipski

Celem artykułu było przedstawienie, na podstawie przeglądu piśmiennictwa, zasad budowy, działania i efektywności pracy z wykorzystaniem systemu Self-Adjusting File, który stwarza nowe możliwości oczyszczania i dezynfekcji kanałów korzeniowych.
The aim of the study was to describe, on the basis of  a review of the literature, instrument design, usage parameters and cleaning efficacy of Self-Adjusting File system, which creates new possibilities for root canal debridement and disinfection.
Hasła indeksowe: leczenie endodontyczne, Self-Adjusting File, resztki, warstwa mazista, dezynfekcja kanałów
Key words: endodontic treatment, Self-Adjusting File, debris, smear layer, canal disinfection

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4. Metzger Z. i wsp.: The Self‑Adjusting File (SAF). Part 1: respecting the root canal anatomy – a new concept of endodontic files and its implementation. J. Endod., 2010, 36, 4, 679‑690.
5. Yiğit-Özer S., Adigüzel Ö., Kaya S.: Removal of debris and smear layer in curved root canals using Self-Adjusting File with different operation times – a scanning electron microscope study. Int. Dent. Res., 2011, 1, 1, 1-6.
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10. Paqué F., Al-Jadaa A., Kfir A.:  Hard-tissue debris accumulation created by conventional rotary versus self-adjusting file instrumentation in mesial root canal systems of mandibular molars. Int. Endod. J., 2012, 45, 5, 413-418.
11. Peters O. A., Paqué F.: Root canal preparation of maxillary molars with the Self-Adjusting File: a micro-computed tomography study. J. Endod., 2011, 37, 1, 53-57.
12. Metzger Z. i wsp.: The quality of root canal preparation and root canal obturation in canals treated with rotary versus Self-Adjusting Files: a three-dimensional micro-computed tomographic study. J. Endod., 2010, 36, 9, 1569-1573.
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15. Metzger Z. i wsp.: The Self-Adjusting File (SAF). Part 3: Removal of debris and smear layer – a scanning electron microscope study. J. Endod., 2010, 36, 4, 697-702.
16. Adigüzel Ö. i wsp.: Effectiveness of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and MTAD on debris and smear layer removal using a Self-Aadjusting File. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod., 2011, 112, 6, 803-808.
17. Kaya S., Yiğitt-Özer S., Adigüzel Ö.: Evaluation of radicular dentin erosion and smear layer removal capacity of Self-Adjusting File using different concentrations of sodium hypochlorite as an initial irrigant. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod., 2011, 112, 4, 524-530.
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24. Paqué F., Peters O.A.: Micro-computed tomography evaluation of the preparation of long oval root canals in mandibular molars with the self-adjusting file. J. Endod., 2011, 37, 4, 517-521.
25. Zawadka A., Metzger Z.: Sześć miesięcy doświadczenia w pracy klinicznej z wykorzystaniem systemu Self-Adjusting File (SAF). Mag. Stomatol., 2013, XXIII, 11, 56-61.
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