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Dorota Mierzwa, Monika Myszko-Coelho, Iwona Bednarz, Jakub Hadzik
1. Seong-Ha K. i wsp.: Giant plunging ranula: a case report. Imaging science in dentistry, 2013, 43, 55-58.
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3. Strzalkowska A., Kunc A.: Appearance of mucocele in the course of orthodontic fixed treatment – case eport. Dent. Med. Probl., 2005, 42, 2, 387-390.
4. Bahnassy M.: A huge oral ranula. Oman Medical Journal, 2009, 24, 4, 306-307.
5. Jaishankar S. i wsp.: Ranula – a case report. JIADS, 2010, 1, 3, 52-53.
6. Zhao Y.F. i wsp.: Clinical review of 580 ranulas. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod., 2004, 98, 30, 281-287.
7. Harrison J.D. i wsp.: Postmortem investigation of mylohyoid hiatus and hernia: aetiological factors of plunging ranula. Clin. Anat., 2013, 26, 693-699.
8. Chow T.L., Chan S.W., Lam S.H.: Ranula successfully treated by botulinum toxin type A: report of 3 cases. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod., 2008, 105, 1, 41-42.