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Hiposaliwacja może nasilać objawy zapalenia błony śluzowej i powodować próchnicę. Przy zmniejszonej ilości śliny utrudnione jest połykanie. Zmianie ulega również odczuwanie smaków, co znacznie obniża komfort życia pacjentów. Ważne jest, aby objąć leczeniem stomatologicznym pacjentów onkologicznych ze względu na zwiększone ryzyko wystąpienia kserostomii indukowanej lekami cytostatycznymi.
Hiposalivation may increase the symptoms of mucositis and cause tooth caries. Difficult swallowing is one of complication observed as reduced saliva flow. The perception of flavors is also changing, which significantly reduces the patients quality of life. It is important to conduct dental treatment in oncological patients, because of the increased risk of cytostatic-induced xerostomy.
Hasła indeksowe: kserostomia, hiposaliwacja, chemioterapia, chirurgia stomatologiczna
Key words: xerostomia, hiposalivation, chemiotherapy, oral surgery
1. Guzik Ł, Kamysz E. Kserostomia – więcej niż suchość w jamie ustnej. Farm Pol. 2009; 65(6): 411-414.
2. Darczuk D, Ryba B. Kserostomia – wyzwanie dla lekarza. Med Trib Stomatol. 2014; 8. Online:,kserostomia-wyzwanie-dla-lekarza
[dostęp 7.11.2019].
3. Bansal P. Modified Schirmer Test: A New Sialometric Tool. Journal of Oral Health & Research. 2014; 5: 1.
4. Davies AN, Broadley K, Beighton D. Xerostomia in Patients with Advanced Cancer. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2001; 22(4): 820-825.
5. Thomson WM i wsp. The Xerostomia Inventory: a multi-item approach to measuring dry mouth. Community Dent Health. 1999;16: 12-17.
6. Pochwalski M, Wojtowicz A. Suchość jamy ustnej – kserostomia – przyczyny, objawy, metody leczenia – przegląd piśmiennictwa. Nowa Stomatol. 2003; 4: 211-216.
7. Ahadian H i wsp. Oral Complications of The Oromaxillofacial Area Radiotherapy. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2017; 18(3): 721-725.
8. Gandhi K i wsp. Prevalence of Oral Complications occurring in a Population of Pediatric Cancer Patients receiving Chemotherapy. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2017; 10(2): 166-171.
9. Minhas S i wsp. Concomitant-chemoradiotherapy-associated oral lesions in patients with oral squamous-cell carcinoma. Cancer Biol Med. 2017; 14(2): 176-182.
10. Naidu MU i wsp. Chemotherapy-Induced and/or Radiation Therapy-Induced Oral Mucositis – Complicating the Treatment of Cancer. Neoplasia. 2004; 6(5): 423-431.
11. Villa A, Akintoye SO. Dental Management of Patients Who Have Undergone Oral Cancer Therapy. Dent Clin North Am. 2018; 62(1): 131-142.
12. Velten DB i wsp. Prevalence of oral manifestations in children and adolescents with cancer submitted to chemotherapy. BMC Oral Health. 2017; 17(1): 49.
13. Volpato LE i wsp. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2007; 73(4): 562-568.
14. Amézaga J i wsp. Assessing taste and smell alterations in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy according to treatment. Support Care Cancer. 2018; 26(12): 4077-4086.
15. Muddugangadhar BC i wsp. A clinical study to compare between resting and stimulated whole salivary flow rate and pH before and after complete denture placement in different age groups. J Indian Prosthodont. 2015; 15(4): 356-366.
16. Arbabi-Kalati F, Arbabi-Kalati F, Moridi T. Evaluation of the effect of low level laser on prevention of chemotherapy-induced mucositis. Acta Med Iran. 2013; 51(3): 157-162.
17. Teguh DN i wsp. Risk model and nomogram for dysphagia and xerostomia prediction in head and neck cancer patients treated by radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. Dysphagia. 2013; 28(3): 388-394.
18. Terlević Dabić D i wsp. The Effectiveness of Low-Level Laser Therapy in Patients with Drug-Induced Hyposalivation: A Pilot Study. Photomed. Laser Surg. 2016; 34(9): 389-393.
19. Sherlock S, Way M, Tabah A. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment for the management of radiation-induced xerostomia. J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol. 2018; 62(6): 841-846.
20. Kavitha M, Mubeen K, Vijayalakshmi KR. A study on Evaluation of efficacy of bethanechol in the management of chemoradiation-induced xerostomia in oral cancer patients. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2017; 21(3): 459-460.
1. Guzik Ł, Kamysz E. Kserostomia – więcej niż suchość w jamie ustnej. Farm Pol. 2009; 65(6): 411-414.
2. Darczuk D, Ryba B. Kserostomia – wyzwanie dla lekarza. Med Trib Stomatol. 2014; 8. Online:,kserostomia-wyzwanie-dla-lekarza
[dostęp 7.11.2019].
3. Bansal P. Modified Schirmer Test: A New Sialometric Tool. Journal of Oral Health & Research. 2014; 5: 1.
4. Davies AN, Broadley K, Beighton D. Xerostomia in Patients with Advanced Cancer. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2001; 22(4): 820-825.
5. Thomson WM i wsp. The Xerostomia Inventory: a multi-item approach to measuring dry mouth. Community Dent Health. 1999;16: 12-17.
6. Pochwalski M, Wojtowicz A. Suchość jamy ustnej – kserostomia – przyczyny, objawy, metody leczenia – przegląd piśmiennictwa. Nowa Stomatol. 2003; 4: 211-216.
7. Ahadian H i wsp. Oral Complications of The Oromaxillofacial Area Radiotherapy. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2017; 18(3): 721-725.
8. Gandhi K i wsp. Prevalence of Oral Complications occurring in a Population of Pediatric Cancer Patients receiving Chemotherapy. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2017; 10(2): 166-171.
9. Minhas S i wsp. Concomitant-chemoradiotherapy-associated oral lesions in patients with oral squamous-cell carcinoma. Cancer Biol Med. 2017; 14(2): 176-182.
10. Naidu MU i wsp. Chemotherapy-Induced and/or Radiation Therapy-Induced Oral Mucositis – Complicating the Treatment of Cancer. Neoplasia. 2004; 6(5): 423-431.
11. Villa A, Akintoye SO. Dental Management of Patients Who Have Undergone Oral Cancer Therapy. Dent Clin North Am. 2018; 62(1): 131-142.
12. Velten DB i wsp. Prevalence of oral manifestations in children and adolescents with cancer submitted to chemotherapy. BMC Oral Health. 2017; 17(1): 49.
13. Volpato LE i wsp. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2007; 73(4): 562-568.
14. Amézaga J i wsp. Assessing taste and smell alterations in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy according to treatment. Support Care Cancer. 2018; 26(12): 4077-4086.
15. Muddugangadhar BC i wsp. A clinical study to compare between resting and stimulated whole salivary flow rate and pH before and after complete denture placement in different age groups. J Indian Prosthodont. 2015; 15(4): 356-366.
16. Arbabi-Kalati F, Arbabi-Kalati F, Moridi T. Evaluation of the effect of low level laser on prevention of chemotherapy-induced mucositis. Acta Med Iran. 2013; 51(3): 157-162.
17. Teguh DN i wsp. Risk model and nomogram for dysphagia and xerostomia prediction in head and neck cancer patients treated by radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. Dysphagia. 2013; 28(3): 388-394.
18. Terlević Dabić D i wsp. The Effectiveness of Low-Level Laser Therapy in Patients with Drug-Induced Hyposalivation: A Pilot Study. Photomed. Laser Surg. 2016; 34(9): 389-393.
19. Sherlock S, Way M, Tabah A. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment for the management of radiation-induced xerostomia. J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol. 2018; 62(6): 841-846.
20. Kavitha M, Mubeen K, Vijayalakshmi KR. A study on Evaluation of efficacy of bethanechol in the management of chemoradiation-induced xerostomia in oral cancer patients. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2017; 21(3): 459-460.