Lekcja 2. Wywiad medyczny i stomatologiczny – jak przeprowadzić prawidłowo wywiad z pacjentem?

Lekcja 2. Wywiad medyczny i stomatologiczny  – jak przeprowadzić prawidłowo wywiad  z pacjentem?

A: Good morning, Mr. Smith, my name is Natalia, and I will be your dentist, how are you today?
B: Good morning, Doctor, I’m a little bit nervous. It’s my first visit to your clinic.
A: I know, I’m here for you. Please, try to relax. Today we will perform a dental check-up, and I will ask you some questions about your general health, ok?
B: All right, I hope it will be fine.
A: Of course, please tell me, do you suffer from any chronic diseases? Like: heart, blood, lung, kidney, gastrointestinal or thyroid diseases?
B: Hmm, I don’t think so. Last time, my general doctor said that my blood pressure is a little bit too high.
A: Did he say that it can be a hypertension?
B: Yes, exactly.
A: Ok, please tell me, are you taking any medications?
B: Yes, my family doctor gave me something for this high pressure. I forgot the name, but I have it with me.
A: Perfect, I would like to see it. Did you take it today?
B: Yes, in the morning, But I feel I’m a little bit stressed right now.
A: No worries, I will measure your blood pressure in a second. I have one more question, are you allergic to any medications?
B: No, I’m only allergic to grass.
A: Ok, this won’t be a problem. Perfect, I noted everything down. Now I will perform a dental check-up and later we will talk about your treatment plan.
B: Ok, doctor, I’m happy to hear that, thank you.

 Little dictionary (mały słownik)

  • Perform a dental check-up – przeprowadzić przegląd stomatologiczny
  • Suffer from – cierpieć z powodu
  • Chronic diseases – choroby przewlekłe
  • Hypertension – nadciśnienie
  • Take medications – przyjmować leki
  • Family doctor - lekarz rodzinny
  • Measure (your) blood pressure – zmierzyć ciśnienie
  • Be allergic to medications – być uczulonym na leki
  • Treatment plan – plan leczenia
  • Diseases (choroby) – heart (serca), blood (krwi), lung (płuc), kidney (nerek), gastrointestinal (żoładkowo-jelitowe), thyroid (tarczycy)




