Lesson 20


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Read the text carefully. Pay attention to words in the bold print

There are a number of different drugs that may be prescribed during one’s dental treatment. Some medications are prescribed to fight certain oral diseases, to prevent or treat infections, or to control pain and relieve phobia and anxiety.

Drugs to Control Pain and Anxiety
Local anesthesia, general anesthesia, nitrous oxide, or intravenous sedation is commonly used in dental procedures to help control pain and anxiety. Other pain relievers include prescription or nonprescription anti-inflammatory drugs, acetaminophen, and anesthetics.

Anti-inflammatory drugs
are anti-inflammatory drugs that are used to relieve the discomfortand redness of mouth and gum problems. Corticosteroids are prescription-only medicines and are available in a paste form. It should be also remembered that Aspirin, which is a popular NSAID, must not be given to infants or children.

Dental anesthetics are used in the mouth to relieve pain or irritation caused by many conditions, including toothache, teething, and sores in or around the mouth (such ascold sores and canker sores). Also, some of these medicines are used to relieve pain or irritation caused by dentures or other dental appliances, including braces.

Anesthetics are available either by prescription or over-the-counter and come in many dosage forms including aerosol spray, dental paste, gel, lozenges, ointments, and solutions.

Drugs to control plaque and gingivitis
Chlorhexidine is an antibiotic drug used to control plaque and gingivitis in the mouth or in periodontal pockets. Patients must be warned that Chlorhexidine may cause an increase in tartar on their teeth. It may also cause staining of the tooth, tooth filling, and dentures or other mouth appliances.

These over-the-counter antiseptic mouth rinse products are used to reduce plaque and gingivitis and kill the germs that cause bad breath.

Drugs used to treat periodontal disease
The doxycycline periodontal system contains the antibiotic doxycycline and is used to help treat periodontal disease. Doxycycline works by preventing the growth of bacteria. Doxycycline periodontal system is placed into deep gum pockets next to your teeth and dissolves naturally over seven days. Before treatment, it’s necessary that patient does not have an allergic reaction to this active substance or any other tetracycline. This class of drugs also may decrease the effectiveness of estrogen-containing birth control pills, increasing the chance of unwanted pregnancy.

Drugs used to prevent tooth decay
Fluoride is a drug used to prevent tooth decay. It is available on a nonprescriptionbasis in many toothpastes. It is absorbed by teeth and helps strengthen teeth toresist acid and block the cavity-forming action of bacteria. As a varnish or a mouth rinse, fluoride helps reduce tooth sensitivity. Prescription-strength fluoride is available as a liquid, tablet, and chewable tablet to take by mouth. It usually is taken once daily. It is prescribed for children and adults whose homes have water that is not fluoridated. Patients must be instructed not to take calcium, magnesium, or iron supplements while taking fluoride. Fluoride can cause staining of the teeth.

Muscle Relaxants 
They may be prescribed to reduce stress to help stop grinding teeth and to treat temporomandibular joint disorders.

Antifungals are prescribed to treat oral thrush. The goal of treatment is to stop the spread of the Candida. Antifungal medicines are available in tablets, lozenges, or liquids that are usually "swished" around in your mouth before being swallowed.

 – leki przeciwgrzybiczne 
anti-inflammatory – przeciwzapalne 
antiseptics – środki antyseptyczne 
anxiety – lęk, obawa 
appliance – urządzenie, aparat 
basis – baza 
birth control pills – pigułki antykoncepcyjne 
canker sores – owrzodzenia 
chewable – do żucia 
cold sores – opryszczka 
corticosteroids – kortykosteroidy 
discomfort – dyskomfort, niewygoda 
dissolve – rozpuścić się 
grinding teeth – zgrzytać zębami 
intravenous – dożylny
iron supplements – suplementy żelaza 
lozenge – pastylka/tabletka do ssania 
must not (mustn’t) – nie wolno 
nitrous oxide – podtlenek azotu 
oral thrush – pleśniawki
periodontal pockets – kieszonki przyzębne/przydziąsłowe
prescribed – przepisany 
relieve – ulżyć
resist – przeciwstawiać się
sedation – sedacja
solution – roztwór
swallowed – połknięty
swished – (tutaj) wypłukać
varnish – lakier (np. lakier fluorkowy)
warn – ostrzegać

Complete the sentences with words from the glossary section

1. Herpes Simplex causes C__________ S____________ infection.
2. ‘You can’t buy this medicine OTC. It must be P____________ from your dentist.’
3. A tablet that you can suck on is called a L____________. 
4. I______________ S______________ is used to control pain in some dental procedures.
5. ‘Remember that you M___________ use your magnesium supplements while you’re using fluoride.’
6. Common anti-inflammatory drugs may R___________ pain associated with some dental procedures. 
7. ‘I must W__________ you that your birth control may not be effective while you’re using antibiotics. Please use additional method of contraception.’
8. ‘Just keep this tablet in your mouth. Don’t bite on it or crush it in your teeth. It’ll slowly D____________.’
9. ‘I know you always experience A_____________ in a dental office. Do not worry; this medicine will calm you down.’
10. Braces or dentures are examples of some dental A______________.

Complete the crossword puzzles

1. This fluoride protective coating is painted on a child's teeth to prevent cavities.
2. These are medications used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. They are one of the most commonly used medications in the adults. Ibuprofen and Aspirin are examples of the most commonly dispensed drugs in this group. 
3. A preparation intended to supplement the diet and provide nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, or amino acids, that may be missing or may not be consumed in sufficient quantities in a person's diet.
4. This is a substance which inhibits the growth and development of harmful microorganisms. Many of common mouth rinses contain this substance. 
5. An active substance destroying or inhibiting the growth of fungi.
6. Also known as antibacterials, they are drugs used to treat infections caused by bacteria. 
7. This drug is used to relieve the discomfort and redness of some mouth and gum problems. This medicine is like cortisone. It belongs to the general family of medicines called steroids.
8. A substance that causes lack of feeling or awareness. 
9. A drug that calms a patient down, easing agitation and permitting sleep.

Lesson 20 answers Lesson 20 answers