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Mariusz Lipski, Damian Lichota, Alicja Nowicka
1. Witek A., Nowicka A., Lipski M., Buczkowska ‑Radlińska J.: Rewaskularyzacja miazgi – nowa metoda leczenia endodontycznego zębów stałych z niezakończonym rozwojem korzenia – przegląd piśmiennictwa. Mag. Stomatol., 2012, 22, 10, 122‑124.
2. Rafter M.: Apexification: a review. Dent. Traumatol., 2005, 2, 1, 1‑8.
3. Dominguez Reyes A., Munoz L., Aznar M.T.: Study of calcium hydroxide apexification in 26 young permanent incisors. Dent. Traumatol., 2005, 21, 1, 141‑145.
4. Mente J., Leo M., Panagidis D. i wsp.: Treatment outcome of mineral trioxide aggregate in open apex teeth. J. Endod., 2013, 39, 1, 20‑26.
5. Mente J., Hage N., Pfefferle T. i wsp.: Mineral trioxide aggregate apical plugs in teeth with open apical foramina: a retrospective analysis of treatment outcome. J. Endod., 2009, 10, 8, 1354‑1358.
6. Mente J., Leo M., Panagidis D. i wsp.: Treatment outcome of mineral trioxide aggregate in open apex teeth. J. Endod., 2013, 39, 1, 20‑26.
7. Andreasen J.O., Farik B., Munksgaard E.C.: Long ‑term calcium hydroxide as a root canal dressing may increase risk of root fracture. Dent. Traumatol., 2002, 18, 2, 134‑137.
8. Rosenberg B., Murray P.E., Namerow K.: The effect of calcium hydroxide root filling on dentin fracture strength. Dent. Traumatol., 2007, 23, 1, 26‑29.
9. Cvek M.: Prognosis of luxated non ‑vital maxillary incisors treated with calcium hydroxide and filled with gutta ‑percha. A retrospective clinical study. Endod. Dent. Traumatol., 1992, 8, 45‑55.
10. Andreasen J.O., Munksgaard E.C., Bakland L.K.: Comparison of fracture resistance in root canals of immature sheep teeth after filling with calcium hydroxide or MTA. Dent. Traumatol., 2006, 22, 2, 154‑156.
11. Bieszczad D.: MTA jako materiał do zamykania wierzchołków korzeni. Opis przypadków. Mag. Stomatol., 2014, 24, 10, 1, 18‑23.
12. Lin J.C., Lu J. X., Zeng Q. i wsp.: Comparison of mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium hydroxide for apexification of immature permanent teeth: A systematic review and meta‑analysis. J. Formos. Med. Assoc., 2016, 7, 5, 523‑530.
13. Shabahang S., Torabinejad M., Boyne P.P. i wsp.: A comparative study of root‑end induction using osteogenic protein ‑1, calcium hydroxide, and mineral trioxide aggregate in dogs. J. Endod., 1999, 25, 1, 1‑5.
14. Czopik B., Zarzecka J.: Endodoncja regeneracyjna. Mag. Stomat., 2013, 23, 7‑8, 127‑130.
15. Wigler R., Kaufman A.Y., Lin S. i wsp.: Revascularization: a treatment for permanent teeth with necrotic pulp and incomplete root development. J. Endod., 2013, 39, 3, 319‑326.
16. Murray P.E., Garcia ‑Godoy F., Hargreaves K.M.: Regenerative endodontics: a review of current status and a call for action. J. Endod., 2007, 33, 377‑390.
17. Law A.S: Considerations for regeneration procedures. J. Endod., 2013, Suppl., 44‑56.
18. Estefan B.S., El Batouty K.M., Nagy M.M., Diogenes A.: Influence of age and apical diameter on the success of endodontic regeneration procedures. J. Endod., 2016, 42, 12, 1620‑1625.
19. Bhavana V., Chaitanya K.P., Gandi P. i wsp.: Evaluation of antibacterial and antifungal activity of new calcium ‑based cement (Biodentine) compared to MTA and glass ionomer cement. J. Conserv. Dent., 2015, 18, 1, 44‑46.
20. Lipski M., Lichota D., Dura W., Nowicka A.: Powtórne leczenie endodontyczne zęba z szerokim otworem wierzchołkowym. Opis przypadku. Mag. Stomatol., 2015, 25, 3, 67‑72.
21. Nayak G., Hasan M.F.: Biodentine – a novel dentinal substitute for single visit apexification. Restor. Dent. Endod., 2014, 39, 1, 120‑125.
22. Vidal K., Martin G., Lozano O. i wsp.: Apical closure in apexification: a review and case report of apexification treatment of an immature permanent tooth with Biodentine. J. Endod., 2016, 42, 5, 730‑734.
23. Sinha N., Singh B., Patil S.: Cone beam ‑computed topographic evaluation of a central incisor with an open apex and a failed root canal treatment using one ‑step apexification with Biodentine: A case report. J. Conserv. Dent., 2014, 17, 3, 285‑289.
24. Witherspoon D.E., Small J.C., Regan J.D., Nunn M.: Retrospective analysis of open apex teeth obturated with mineral trioxide aggregate. J. Endod., 2008, 34, 8, 1171 ‑1176.