Lekcja 5 Zatrzymany ząb mądrości – i co dalej?

Lekcja 5 Zatrzymany ząb mądrości – i co dalej?
Opublikowano dnia : 18.10.2024

Impacted wisdom tooth – what to do?
Natalia Kruk

A: Good morning, Doctor, my name is Agnes Clark, I’m here today, because I have been feeling a terrible pain in the back of my lower jaw, for the past 2 weeks.
B: Good morning, I understand. Can you tell me if the pain is radiating? Do you feel any swelling in that area?
A: Yes, the pain is radiating towards the neck and ear. It’s hard to chew hard food on this side. I might be a little bit swollen.
B. I will now perform an external and internal examination, and I will give you further information.
A: Of course, Doctor.
B: From my examination, I can see that you have red and swollen gums in the area of the wisdom tooth, which is tender and bleeding. You have pain in the mandible area. This may be what is giving you such a hard time when opening your mouth. I will now ask you to perform a panoramic X-ray. After this, you will come back to my office.
A: Yes, I understand.
(10 minutes later)
B: Thank you, Mrs Clark. Upon viewing the panoramic X-ray, I noticed that you have an impacted wisdom tooth in the left quadrant of the mandible.
A: Is it serious? It sounds scary.
B: Don’t worry, it happens sometimes. Your wisdom tooth probably has not enough room to erupt, and it’s growing at an angle towards the next tooth.
A: But what can I do now?
B: For now, I will prescribe you painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and give you oral hygiene instructions. Then, we will set an appointment with an oral surgeon, because this tooth will probably need extraction.
A: Thank you. I’m glad that I came to my visit today and hope I will feel better.
B: Of course, the medicine will help for now. Afterwards, our surgeon will explain to you the surgical procedure.
A: Thank you, doctor.
B: No problem. I wish you all the best!
Glossary (mały słownik)
  • Lower jaw/ mandible – dolna szczęka/żuchwa
  • Radiating pain – ból promienujący
  • Swelling – spuchnięty
  • Swollen – obrzęk
  • Tender – wrażliwy
  • Bleeding – krwawienie
  • Panoramic X-ray – zdjęcie panoramiczne
  • Impacted wisdom tooth – zatrzymany ząb mądrości
  • Left quadrant – lewy kwadrant/ćwiartka
  • To erupt – wyrzynać się
  • To grow at an angle – rosnąć pod kątem
  • Painkillers – leki przeciwbólowe
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs – leki przeciwzapalne
  • Oral hygiene instructions – zalecenia dotyczące higieny jamy ustnej
  • An appointment – wizyta
  • Oral Surgeon – chirurg stomatologiczny
  • Tooth extraction – usunięcie zęba
  • Surgical procedure – zabieg chirurgiczny
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