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Magdalena Jaszczak-Małkowska, Bartłomiej Górski, Renata Górska
Odbudowa pojedynczych braków zębowych za pomocą wszczepów stomatologicznych jest powszechnie akceptowanym sposobem postępowania. Ze względu na wysokie wymagania estetyczne dotyczące leczenia w odcinku przednim w szczęce długotrwała stabilność tkanek twardych i miękkich otaczających implanty ma fundamentalne znaczenie w osiągnięciu sukcesu terapeutycznego.
Implant-supported ceramic crowns are a widely accepted treatment modality for the single-tooth replacement in the anterior maxilla. Due to high esthetic demands in this area, the long-term stability of hard and soft tissues is of paramount importance for the overall treatment success.
Hasła indeksowe: implant, strefa estetyczna, profil wyłaniania, skanowanie wewnątrzustne, łącznik hybrydowy
Key words: implant, esthetic zone, emergence profile, intraoral scanning, hybrid abutment
1. Rokn A. i wsp.: Long-term of soft tissue esthetic outcomes following conventional single implant treatment in the anterior maxilla: 10-12 year results. Open Dent. J., 2016, 10, 602-609.
2. Chen J. i wsp.: Influence of custom-made implant designs on the biomechanical performance for the case of immediate post-extraction placement in the maxillary esthetic zone: a finite element analysis. Comput. Methods Biomech. Biomed. Engin., 2017, 20, 6, 636-644.
3. Stern J.K. i wsp.: Novel approach to managing malsequenced and malpositioned immediately placed implants in the esthetic zone. Int. J. Periodontics Restorative Dent., 2017, 37, 2, 273-280.
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6. Wittneben J.G. i wsp.: Esthetic and clinical performance of implant-supported crowns made with prefeabricated or CAD/CAM zirconia abutments. J. Dent. Res., 2017, 96, 2, 163-170.
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8. Fürhauser R. i wsp.: Evaluation of soft tissue around single-tooth implant crowns: the pink esthetic score. Clin. Oral Implants Res., 2005, 16, 6, 639-644.
9. Raes F. i wsp.: Immediate and conventional single implant treatment in the anterior maxilla: 1-year results of a case series on hard and soft tissue response and aesthetics. J. Clin. Periodontol., 2011, 38, 4, 385-394.
10. Cosyn J. i wsp.: Single implant treatment in healing versus healed sites of the anterior maxilla: an aesthetic evaluation. Clin. Implant. Dent. Relat. Res., 2012, 14, 4, 517-526.
11. Nisapakultorn K. i wsp.: Factors affecting soft tissue level around anterior maxillary single-tooth implants. Clin. Oral. Implants Res., 2010, 21, 6, 662-670.
12. Kinaia B.M. i wsp.: Soft tissue changes around immediately placed implants: a systematic review and meta-analyses with at least 12 months follow up after functional loading. J. Periodontol, 2017. doi: 10.1902/jop.2017.160698. [w druku].
13. Den Hartog L. i wsp.: Anterior single implants with different neck designs: 5 year results of randomized clinical trial. Clin. Implant Dent. Relat. Res., 2017. doi: 10.1111/cid.12498. [w druku].
14. Elian N. i wsp.: Accurate transfer of peri-implant soft tissue emergence profile from the provisional crown to the final prosthesis using an emergence profile cast. J. Esthet. Restor. Dent., 2007, 19, 6, 306-315.
15. Chew A.A. i wsp.: Three-dimensional accuracy of digital implant impressions: effects of different scanners and implant level. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants, 2017, 32, 1, 70-80.
16. Joda T. i wsp.: Time efficiency, difficulty, and operator's preference comparing digital and conventional implant impressions: a randomized controlled trial. Clin. Oral Implants Res., 2016. doi: 10.1111/clr.12982. [w druku].
17. Paolantoni G. i wsp.: Findings of a four-year randomized controlled clinical trial comparing two-piece and one-piece zirconia abutments supporting single prosthetic restorations in maxillary anterior region. Biomed. Res. Int., 2016. doi: 10.1155/2016/8767845. [w druku].
18. Stimmelmayr M. i wsp.: Fracture resistance of different implant abutments supporting all-ceramic single crowns after aging. Int. J. Comput. Dent., 2017, 20, 1, 53-64.
19. Hasan I. i wsp.: The effect of screw preload and framework material on the success of cementable fixed partial prostheses: A finite element study. Ann. Anat., 2015, 199, 58-66.
20. Carvalho M.A. i wsp.: Effect of platform connection and abutment material on stress distribution in single anterior implant-supported restorations: a nonlinear 3-dimensional finite element analysis. J. Prosthet. Dent., 2014, 112, 5, 1096-1102.