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Protezy typu overdenture są jednym z rozwiązań gwarantujących funkcjonalną i estetyczną rehabilitację pacjenta bezzębnego. Zastosowanie elementów retencyjnych wpływa na poprawę retencji i stabilizacji protezy, zwłaszcza w przypadku znacznych zaników podłoża protetycznego. W pracy dokonano przeglądu piśmiennictwa dotyczącego: zastosowania protez typu overdenture i elementów retencyjnych mocujących protezę na podłożu u pacjentów bezzębnych i z uzębieniem resztkowym, a także czynników wpływających na sukces leczenia.
In the case of edentulism and difficult denture foundation area overdentures can be one of the solutions for functional and aesthetic prosthetic restoration. Using the overdenture attachments has an impact on improvement of retention and stabilisation of dental prosthesis, especially in the situation when dental foundation area is atrophic. The article shows the literature review of using overdentures and retentive attachments in the treatment of edentulous patients, patients with residual teeth and factors influencing success of treatment.
Hasła indeksowe: overdenture, elementy precyzyjne
Key words: overdenture, precision attachments
1. Van Steenberghe D. i wsp.: A prospective evaluation of the fate of 697 consecutive intra oral fixtures ad modum Branemark in the rehabilitation of edentulism. J. Head Neck Pathol., 1987, 6, 53‑58.
2. De Kok I.J. i wsp.: Comparison of three ‑implant ‑supported fixed dentures and two ‑implant‑
‑retained overdentures in the edentulous mandible. A pilot study of treatment efficacy and patient satisfaction. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants, 2011, 26, 415‑426.
3. Wichmann M.G., Kuntze W.: Wear behavior of precision attachments. Int. J. Prosthodont., 1999, 12, 5, 409‑414.
4. Pan Y.H., Lin T.M., Liang C.H.: Comparison of patient’s satisfaction with implant ‑supported mandibular overdentures and complete dentures. Biomed. J., 2014, 37, 3, 156‑162.
5. Pietruski J. i wsp.: Protezy overdenture. Wybrane możliwości zastosowania w rehabilitacji narządu żucia. Czas. Stomat., 2001, 54, 461‑468.
6. Crum R.J., Rooney G.E.: Alveolar bone loss in overdentures. A 5 ‑year study. J. Prosthet. Dent., 1978, 40, 6, 610‑613.
7. Michalski W.: Biomechaniczny aspekt rozdzielenia kinematyki siodła skrzydłowej protezy szkieletowej górnej w symulacji numerycznej metodą elementów skończonych. Część I. Analiza numeryczna i doświadczalna dystrybucji obciążeń zgryzowych w układzie łączników z zębami filarowymi. Protet. Stomatol., 2013, LXIII, 2, 97‑109.
8. Rosak P., Kasperski J.: Relacje między siłami okluzyjnymi a akceptacją dolnych protez całkowitych. Analiza wpływu wybranych parametrów na siły okluzyjne. Protet. Stomatol., 2010, LX, 4, 294‑298.
9. Rissin L. i wsp.: Clinical comparison of masticatory performance and electromyographic activity of patients with complete dentures, overdentures and natural teeth. J. Prosthet. Dent., 1978, 39, 5, 508‑511.
10. Elsyad M.A. i wsp.: Chewing efficiency and electromyographic activity of masseter muscle with three designs of implant ‑supported mandibular overdentures. A cross ‑over study. Clin. Oral Implants Res., 2014, 25, 6, 742‑748.
11. Uçankale M. i wsp.: The effect of different attachment systems with implant ‑retained overdentures on maximum bite force and EMG. Gerodontology, 2012, 29, 1, 24‑29.
12. Daou E.E.: Biomaterial aspects. A key factor in the longevity of implant overdenture attachment systems. J. Int. Soc. Prev. Community Dent., 2015, 5, 4, 255‑262.
13. Chung K.H. i wsp.: Retention characteristics of attachment systems for implant overdentures. J. Prosthodont., 2004, 13, 4, 221‑226.
14. Naert I. i wsp.: A comparative prospective study of splinted and unsplinted Brånemark implants in mandibular overdenture therapy. A preliminary report. J. Prosthet. Dent., 1994, 71, 5, 486‑492.
15. Petropoulos V.C., Smith W.: Maximum dislodging forces of implant overdenture stud attachments. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants, 2002, 17, 4, 526‑535.
16. Dable R.A. i wsp.: A simplified technique for custom made overdenture semi ‑precision attachments. Indian J. Dent. Res., 2013, 24, 5, 622‑626.
17. Kim S.M. i wsp.: Comparison of changes in retentive force of three stud attachments for implant overdentures. J. Adv. Prosthodont., 2015, 7, 4, 303‑311.
18. Sounder Raj K. i wsp.: Precision attachment. An overview. IJIRR, 2018, 5, 2, 5195‑5199.
19. Takahashi T., Gonda T., Maeda Y.: Effect of attachment type on implant strain in maxillary implant overdentures. Comparison of ball, locator, and magnet attachments. Part 1. Overdenture with palate. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants, 2017, 32, 6, 1308‑1314.
20. Satpathy S. i wsp.: Stress distribution patterns of implant supported overdentures‑analog versus finite element analysis. A comparative in ‑vitro study. J. Indian Prosthodont. Soc., 2015, 15, 3, 250‑256.
21. Ying Z., Gonda T., Maeda Y.: Influence of attachment height and shape on lateral force transmission in implant overdenture treatment. Int. J. Prosthodont., 2017, 30, 6, 586‑591.
22. Osman R.B., Payne A.G., Ma S.: Prosthodontic maintenance of maxillary implant overdentures. A systematic literature review. Int. J. Prosthodont., 2012, 25, 4, 381‑391.
23. Jayasree K. i wsp.: Precision attachment. Retained overdenture. J. Indian Prosthodont. Soc., 2012, 12, 1, 59‑62.
24. Singh K. i wsp.: Hader bar and clip attachment retained mandibular complete denture. BMJ Case Rep., 2013, 2013, bcr2013010401. doi: 10.1136/bcr ‑2013‑010401
25. Sadig W.: A comparative in vitro study on the retention and stability of implant ‑supported overdentures. Quintessence Int., 2009, 40, 4, 313‑319.
26. Chung K.H. i wsp.: Retentive characteristics of overdenture attachments during repeated dislodging and cyclic loading. Int. J. Prosthodont., 2011, 24, 2, 127‑129.
27. Elsyad M.A., Dayekh M.A., Khalifa A.K.: Locator versus bar attachment effect on the retention and stability of implant ‑retained maxillary overdenture. An in vitro study. J. Prosthodont., 2017. doi: 10.1111/jopr.12608 [Epub ahead of print].
28. Liddelow G., Henry P.: The immediately loaded single implant ‑retained mandibular overdenture. A 36 ‑month prospective study. Int. J. Prosthodont., 2010, 23, 1, 13‑21.
29. Wolfart S. i wsp.: The central single implant in the edentulous mandible. Improvement of function and quality of life. A report of 2 cases. Quintessence Int., 2008, 39, 7, 541‑548.
30. Nogueira T.E. i wsp.: A 2 ‑year prospective study of single ‑implant mandibular overdentures. Patient ‑reported outcomes and prosthodontic events. Clin. Oral Implants Res., 2018, 29, 6, 541‑550.
31. Vaidya S. i wsp.: Achieving an esthetic smile with fixed and removal prosthesis using extracoronal castable precision attachments. J. Indian Prosthodont. Soc., 2015, 15, 3, 284‑288.
32. Brusiłowicz N., Więckiewicz W.: Precyzyjne elementy retencyjne – przegląd piśmiennictwa. Dent. Forum, 2014, 42, 2, 77‑80.
33. Van Kampen F. i wsp.: Retention and postinsertion maintenance of bar ‑clip, ball and magnet attachments in mandibular implant overdenture treatment. An in vivo comparison after 3 months of function. Clin. Oral Implants Res., 2003, 14, 720‑726.
34. Dubois N.: Retention. Values of locator attachment versus different implant angulation [dissertation], 2007, [online:] article=1153&context=sodm_masters [dostęp: 16.01.2019].
35. Jivnani H. i wsp.: Stud attachment retained mandibular overdenture. A case report. IJOHD, 2016, 2, 1, 43‑46.
36. Agrawal N., Jain S., Agrawal D.: A comparative evaluation of fatigue resistance of two different implant overdenture stud attachments with two different denture base materials. An in vitro study. J. Indian Prosthodont. Soc., 2018, 18, 1, 10‑18.
37. Uludag B., Polat S.: Retention characteristics of different attachment systems of mandibular overdentures retained by two or three implants. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants, 2012, 27, 6, 1509‑1513.
38. Surowska B. i wsp.: Wpływ technologii odlewania na jakość stomatologicznego stopu kobaltu. Postępy Nauki i Techniki, 2011, 11, 81‑88.
39. Gulizio M.P. i wsp.: Effect of implant angulation upon retention of overdenture attachments. J. Prosthodont., 2005, 14, 1, 3‑11.
40. Stergiou A. i wsp.: The retentive forces of the locator attachment system at different angulations. Eur. J. Prosthodont. Restor. Dent., 2012, 20, 4, 168‑174.
41. Kurtulus I.L., Gurbulak A.G.: The in vitro comparison of the retention of an implant‑
‑supported stud attachment locator and straumann ball attachment at different angulations. Niger. J. Clin. Pract., 2018, 21, 5, 639‑644.
42. Goodacre C.J. i wsp.: Clinical complication with implants and implant prostheses. J. Prosthet. Dent., 2003, 90, 2, 121‑132.
43. Widbom C., Söderfeldt B., Kronström M.: A retrospective evaluation of treatments with implant ‑supported maxillary overdentures. Clin. Implant Dent. Relat. Res., 2005, 7, 3, 166‑172.
44. Zitzmann N.U., Marinello C.P.: Treatment outcomes of fixed or removable implant‑
‑supported prostheses in the edentulous maxilla. Part II: Clinical findings. J. Prosthet. Dent., 2000, 83, 4, 434‑442.
45. Vats R., Kaur B., Singh A., Samra R.K.: Overdenture ball attachment: three case reports. Indian J. Dent. Sci., 2015, 2, 7, 88‑91.
46. Tallgren A.: The continuing reduction of the residual alveolar ridge in complete denture wearers: a mixed longitudinal study covering 25 years. J. Prosthet. Dent., 1972, 27, 120‑132.
47. Zamikoff I.I.: Overdentures – theory and technique. J Am Dent Assoc 1983;86,853‑7.
48. Morrow R.M., Feldman E.E., Rudd K.D., Torvillion H.M.: Tooth ‑supported complete dentures: an approach to preventive prosthodontics. J. Prosthet. Dent., 1969, 21, 513‑522.
49. Dula L.J. i wsp.: The influence of removable partial dentures on the periodontal health of abutment and non ‑abutment teeth. Eur. J. Dent., 2015, 9, 3, 382‑386.
50. Gupta N. i wsp.: Combined prosthesis with extracoronal castable precision attachments. Case Rep. Dent., 2013; Article ID 282617.
51. Jayasree K. i wsp.: Precision attachment: retained overdenture. J. Indian Prosthodont. Soc., 2012, 12, 1, 59‑62.
52. Singh K. i wsp.: Hader bar and clip attachment retained mandibular complete denture. BMJ Case Rep., 2013. doi: 10.1136/bcr ‑2013‑010401
53. Shastry T. i wsp.: An in vitro comparative study to evaluate the retention of different attachment systems used in implant ‑retained overdentures. J. Indian Prosthodont. Soc., 2016, 16, 159‑166.
54. Riley M.A., Walmslay A.D., Harris IR.: Magnets in prostheic dentistry. J. Prosthet. Dent., 2001, 86, 137‑142.
55. Thayer H.H., Caputo A.A.: Photoelastic stress analysis of overdenture attachments. J. Prosthet. Dent., 1980, 43, 611‑617.
56. Schuch C. i wsp.: An alternative method for the fabrication of a root ‑supported overdenture: A clinical report. J. Prosthet. Dent., 2013, 109, 1‑4.
57. Mishra R. i wsp.: Fabrication of bar ‑retained tooth ‑supported mandibular overdenture. Int. J. Oral Health Sci., 2014, 4, 37‑41.
58. Jain H. i wsp.: Conventional tooth supported overdenture with metal reinforced opposing complete denture: A case report. J. Dent. Spec., 2017, 5, 1, 82‑85.
59. Toolson L.B., Smith D.E.: A two year longitudnal study of overdenture patients. Part 1: Incidence and control of caries on overdenture abutments. J. Prosthet. Dent. 1978, 40, 486.
60. Renner R.P. i wsp.: Four ‑year longitudinal study of the periodontal health status of overdenture patients. J. Prosth et. Dent. 1984, 51, 5, 593‑598.
61. Sharma H.K. i wsp.: Tooth ‑suported overdenture using Castale Ball and Socket Attachments. J. Mahatma Gandhi Univ. Med. Sci. Tech., 2017, 2, 2, 106 ‑108.
1. Van Steenberghe D. i wsp.: A prospective evaluation of the fate of 697 consecutive intra oral fixtures ad modum Branemark in the rehabilitation of edentulism. J. Head Neck Pathol., 1987, 6, 53‑58.
2. De Kok I.J. i wsp.: Comparison of three ‑implant ‑supported fixed dentures and two ‑implant‑
‑retained overdentures in the edentulous mandible. A pilot study of treatment efficacy and patient satisfaction. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants, 2011, 26, 415‑426.
3. Wichmann M.G., Kuntze W.: Wear behavior of precision attachments. Int. J. Prosthodont., 1999, 12, 5, 409‑414.
4. Pan Y.H., Lin T.M., Liang C.H.: Comparison of patient’s satisfaction with implant ‑supported mandibular overdentures and complete dentures. Biomed. J., 2014, 37, 3, 156‑162.
5. Pietruski J. i wsp.: Protezy overdenture. Wybrane możliwości zastosowania w rehabilitacji narządu żucia. Czas. Stomat., 2001, 54, 461‑468.
6. Crum R.J., Rooney G.E.: Alveolar bone loss in overdentures. A 5 ‑year study. J. Prosthet. Dent., 1978, 40, 6, 610‑613.
7. Michalski W.: Biomechaniczny aspekt rozdzielenia kinematyki siodła skrzydłowej protezy szkieletowej górnej w symulacji numerycznej metodą elementów skończonych. Część I. Analiza numeryczna i doświadczalna dystrybucji obciążeń zgryzowych w układzie łączników z zębami filarowymi. Protet. Stomatol., 2013, LXIII, 2, 97‑109.
8. Rosak P., Kasperski J.: Relacje między siłami okluzyjnymi a akceptacją dolnych protez całkowitych. Analiza wpływu wybranych parametrów na siły okluzyjne. Protet. Stomatol., 2010, LX, 4, 294‑298.
9. Rissin L. i wsp.: Clinical comparison of masticatory performance and electromyographic activity of patients with complete dentures, overdentures and natural teeth. J. Prosthet. Dent., 1978, 39, 5, 508‑511.
10. Elsyad M.A. i wsp.: Chewing efficiency and electromyographic activity of masseter muscle with three designs of implant ‑supported mandibular overdentures. A cross ‑over study. Clin. Oral Implants Res., 2014, 25, 6, 742‑748.
11. Uçankale M. i wsp.: The effect of different attachment systems with implant ‑retained overdentures on maximum bite force and EMG. Gerodontology, 2012, 29, 1, 24‑29.
12. Daou E.E.: Biomaterial aspects. A key factor in the longevity of implant overdenture attachment systems. J. Int. Soc. Prev. Community Dent., 2015, 5, 4, 255‑262.
13. Chung K.H. i wsp.: Retention characteristics of attachment systems for implant overdentures. J. Prosthodont., 2004, 13, 4, 221‑226.
14. Naert I. i wsp.: A comparative prospective study of splinted and unsplinted Brånemark implants in mandibular overdenture therapy. A preliminary report. J. Prosthet. Dent., 1994, 71, 5, 486‑492.
15. Petropoulos V.C., Smith W.: Maximum dislodging forces of implant overdenture stud attachments. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants, 2002, 17, 4, 526‑535.
16. Dable R.A. i wsp.: A simplified technique for custom made overdenture semi ‑precision attachments. Indian J. Dent. Res., 2013, 24, 5, 622‑626.
17. Kim S.M. i wsp.: Comparison of changes in retentive force of three stud attachments for implant overdentures. J. Adv. Prosthodont., 2015, 7, 4, 303‑311.
18. Sounder Raj K. i wsp.: Precision attachment. An overview. IJIRR, 2018, 5, 2, 5195‑5199.
19. Takahashi T., Gonda T., Maeda Y.: Effect of attachment type on implant strain in maxillary implant overdentures. Comparison of ball, locator, and magnet attachments. Part 1. Overdenture with palate. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants, 2017, 32, 6, 1308‑1314.
20. Satpathy S. i wsp.: Stress distribution patterns of implant supported overdentures‑analog versus finite element analysis. A comparative in ‑vitro study. J. Indian Prosthodont. Soc., 2015, 15, 3, 250‑256.
21. Ying Z., Gonda T., Maeda Y.: Influence of attachment height and shape on lateral force transmission in implant overdenture treatment. Int. J. Prosthodont., 2017, 30, 6, 586‑591.
22. Osman R.B., Payne A.G., Ma S.: Prosthodontic maintenance of maxillary implant overdentures. A systematic literature review. Int. J. Prosthodont., 2012, 25, 4, 381‑391.
23. Jayasree K. i wsp.: Precision attachment. Retained overdenture. J. Indian Prosthodont. Soc., 2012, 12, 1, 59‑62.
24. Singh K. i wsp.: Hader bar and clip attachment retained mandibular complete denture. BMJ Case Rep., 2013, 2013, bcr2013010401. doi: 10.1136/bcr ‑2013‑010401
25. Sadig W.: A comparative in vitro study on the retention and stability of implant ‑supported overdentures. Quintessence Int., 2009, 40, 4, 313‑319.
26. Chung K.H. i wsp.: Retentive characteristics of overdenture attachments during repeated dislodging and cyclic loading. Int. J. Prosthodont., 2011, 24, 2, 127‑129.
27. Elsyad M.A., Dayekh M.A., Khalifa A.K.: Locator versus bar attachment effect on the retention and stability of implant ‑retained maxillary overdenture. An in vitro study. J. Prosthodont., 2017. doi: 10.1111/jopr.12608 [Epub ahead of print].
28. Liddelow G., Henry P.: The immediately loaded single implant ‑retained mandibular overdenture. A 36 ‑month prospective study. Int. J. Prosthodont., 2010, 23, 1, 13‑21.
29. Wolfart S. i wsp.: The central single implant in the edentulous mandible. Improvement of function and quality of life. A report of 2 cases. Quintessence Int., 2008, 39, 7, 541‑548.
30. Nogueira T.E. i wsp.: A 2 ‑year prospective study of single ‑implant mandibular overdentures. Patient ‑reported outcomes and prosthodontic events. Clin. Oral Implants Res., 2018, 29, 6, 541‑550.
31. Vaidya S. i wsp.: Achieving an esthetic smile with fixed and removal prosthesis using extracoronal castable precision attachments. J. Indian Prosthodont. Soc., 2015, 15, 3, 284‑288.
32. Brusiłowicz N., Więckiewicz W.: Precyzyjne elementy retencyjne – przegląd piśmiennictwa. Dent. Forum, 2014, 42, 2, 77‑80.
33. Van Kampen F. i wsp.: Retention and postinsertion maintenance of bar ‑clip, ball and magnet attachments in mandibular implant overdenture treatment. An in vivo comparison after 3 months of function. Clin. Oral Implants Res., 2003, 14, 720‑726.
34. Dubois N.: Retention. Values of locator attachment versus different implant angulation [dissertation], 2007, [online:] article=1153&context=sodm_masters [dostęp: 16.01.2019].
35. Jivnani H. i wsp.: Stud attachment retained mandibular overdenture. A case report. IJOHD, 2016, 2, 1, 43‑46.
36. Agrawal N., Jain S., Agrawal D.: A comparative evaluation of fatigue resistance of two different implant overdenture stud attachments with two different denture base materials. An in vitro study. J. Indian Prosthodont. Soc., 2018, 18, 1, 10‑18.
37. Uludag B., Polat S.: Retention characteristics of different attachment systems of mandibular overdentures retained by two or three implants. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants, 2012, 27, 6, 1509‑1513.
38. Surowska B. i wsp.: Wpływ technologii odlewania na jakość stomatologicznego stopu kobaltu. Postępy Nauki i Techniki, 2011, 11, 81‑88.
39. Gulizio M.P. i wsp.: Effect of implant angulation upon retention of overdenture attachments. J. Prosthodont., 2005, 14, 1, 3‑11.
40. Stergiou A. i wsp.: The retentive forces of the locator attachment system at different angulations. Eur. J. Prosthodont. Restor. Dent., 2012, 20, 4, 168‑174.
41. Kurtulus I.L., Gurbulak A.G.: The in vitro comparison of the retention of an implant‑
‑supported stud attachment locator and straumann ball attachment at different angulations. Niger. J. Clin. Pract., 2018, 21, 5, 639‑644.
42. Goodacre C.J. i wsp.: Clinical complication with implants and implant prostheses. J. Prosthet. Dent., 2003, 90, 2, 121‑132.
43. Widbom C., Söderfeldt B., Kronström M.: A retrospective evaluation of treatments with implant ‑supported maxillary overdentures. Clin. Implant Dent. Relat. Res., 2005, 7, 3, 166‑172.
44. Zitzmann N.U., Marinello C.P.: Treatment outcomes of fixed or removable implant‑
‑supported prostheses in the edentulous maxilla. Part II: Clinical findings. J. Prosthet. Dent., 2000, 83, 4, 434‑442.
45. Vats R., Kaur B., Singh A., Samra R.K.: Overdenture ball attachment: three case reports. Indian J. Dent. Sci., 2015, 2, 7, 88‑91.
46. Tallgren A.: The continuing reduction of the residual alveolar ridge in complete denture wearers: a mixed longitudinal study covering 25 years. J. Prosthet. Dent., 1972, 27, 120‑132.
47. Zamikoff I.I.: Overdentures – theory and technique. J Am Dent Assoc 1983;86,853‑7.
48. Morrow R.M., Feldman E.E., Rudd K.D., Torvillion H.M.: Tooth ‑supported complete dentures: an approach to preventive prosthodontics. J. Prosthet. Dent., 1969, 21, 513‑522.
49. Dula L.J. i wsp.: The influence of removable partial dentures on the periodontal health of abutment and non ‑abutment teeth. Eur. J. Dent., 2015, 9, 3, 382‑386.
50. Gupta N. i wsp.: Combined prosthesis with extracoronal castable precision attachments. Case Rep. Dent., 2013; Article ID 282617.
51. Jayasree K. i wsp.: Precision attachment: retained overdenture. J. Indian Prosthodont. Soc., 2012, 12, 1, 59‑62.
52. Singh K. i wsp.: Hader bar and clip attachment retained mandibular complete denture. BMJ Case Rep., 2013. doi: 10.1136/bcr ‑2013‑010401
53. Shastry T. i wsp.: An in vitro comparative study to evaluate the retention of different attachment systems used in implant ‑retained overdentures. J. Indian Prosthodont. Soc., 2016, 16, 159‑166.
54. Riley M.A., Walmslay A.D., Harris IR.: Magnets in prostheic dentistry. J. Prosthet. Dent., 2001, 86, 137‑142.
55. Thayer H.H., Caputo A.A.: Photoelastic stress analysis of overdenture attachments. J. Prosthet. Dent., 1980, 43, 611‑617.
56. Schuch C. i wsp.: An alternative method for the fabrication of a root ‑supported overdenture: A clinical report. J. Prosthet. Dent., 2013, 109, 1‑4.
57. Mishra R. i wsp.: Fabrication of bar ‑retained tooth ‑supported mandibular overdenture. Int. J. Oral Health Sci., 2014, 4, 37‑41.
58. Jain H. i wsp.: Conventional tooth supported overdenture with metal reinforced opposing complete denture: A case report. J. Dent. Spec., 2017, 5, 1, 82‑85.
59. Toolson L.B., Smith D.E.: A two year longitudnal study of overdenture patients. Part 1: Incidence and control of caries on overdenture abutments. J. Prosthet. Dent. 1978, 40, 486.
60. Renner R.P. i wsp.: Four ‑year longitudinal study of the periodontal health status of overdenture patients. J. Prosth et. Dent. 1984, 51, 5, 593‑598.
61. Sharma H.K. i wsp.: Tooth ‑suported overdenture using Castale Ball and Socket Attachments. J. Mahatma Gandhi Univ. Med. Sci. Tech., 2017, 2, 2, 106 ‑108.