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23. Singla M. i wsp.: Comparative evaluation of rotary ProTaper, Profile, and conventional stepback technique on reduction in Enterococcus faecalis colony ‑forming units and verti‑ cal root fracture resistance of root canals. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol En‑ dod., 2010, 109, 3, e105 ‑e110.
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25. Bayram H.M. i wsp.: Micro‑computed tomographic evaluation of dentinal microcrack formation after using new heat ‑treated nickel ‑titanium systems. J. Endod., 2017, 43, 10, 1736‑1739.
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34. Wu M.K. i wsp.: The incidence of root microcracks caused by 3 different single ‑file sys‑ tems versus the ProTaper system. J. Endod., 2013, 39, 8, 1054‑1056.
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36. Arslan H. i wsp.: Incidence of dentinal cracks after root canal preparation with twisted file adaptive instruments using different kinematics. J. Endod., 2015, 41, 7, 1130‑1133.
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